Who am I?

I’m Benjamin C and I’m a medical speech (and swallow) therapist working in an acute metropolitan hospital in Singapore (South East Asia). I assess and treat communication and swallowing difficulties.

What do I do?

Besides my clinical duties, I’m the department’s rep for data related matters and insights. I have completed these projects for my department:

  1. Visualizing case referrals.

  2. Process mining. The duration of direct and indirect activities involved in managing a patient were recorded and the event logs were examined. I designed the method for data collection, analysed the logs, presented the findings in a dashboard like report. Findings include

Additionally, I teach and share data science topics specific to medical speech pathology.

My work is primarily done in R. Nonetheless, I have worked with Python, Qliksense and Tableau.

What is the site about?

This site is a combination of blogs to consolidate my data science learning journey and some projects related to the medical field.